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[CSSA-UIUC] 2010-2011 Newsletter 48期

jiansong 发表于 2011-3-16 23:37:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Barcraw

这学期CSSA将和其他几个亚洲学生组织:TIA(台湾学生会), JSA, HKSA, W.A.V.E.S等联合举办Big Asian Barcrawl, Barcraw将在4.7号开始。

但是,由于Barcraw需要定制t-shirt,若有兴趣,请大家务必这周五之前11-3pm,去Union南边二楼TIA的Cube sign up和交t-shirt的订金!


Big Asian Barcrawl

Thursday, April 7 at 9:00pm - April 8 at 2:00am

We start starting signups for Big Asian Barcrawl this Monday, March 14th! (for this week!!!)
Please come to the TIA Cube #11 anytime from 11-3 PM and please bring your money ($10)!

We are ordering 200 shirts, so first come first serve!

With the recent tragedy in Japan and Asia Pacific we have decided that in the Big Asian community spirit that we are going to be donating ALL proceeds to the Red Cross to support the Japan Earthquake and Pacific Tsunami.

In addition to the proceeds, we will be donating an extra $4 for each sign up from TIA's pocket.

The schedule [subject to change]:
9-10 Joe's
10-11 Murphy's for $2 any pint
11-12 Cly's
12-1 Firehaus
1-2 Fire Station.

T-Shirts are $10 each!

Please sign up ASAP as the t-shirts will only be available on a first come first serve basis!

This event is sponsored by: TIA, CSSA, JSA, HKSA, W.A.V.E.S

for more information: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=157416964316810&index=1

2. 卡拉OK决赛名单


娄愫雨, 张博洋, 王旭东,沈吟, 郭继鑫,杨知行,徐立之,王继聪,潘嘉杰,Twinson Yang ,张洪一,夏超



3. 欢迎胡锦涛活动补助情况更新

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