EALC 150?, 261? Karen Kelsky, Brian Ruppert E
EALC 250- Intro to Japanese Culture
EALC 275- Masterpieces of East Asian Lit Alisa Freedman V
ECON 103- Macroeconomic Principles Paul Magelli, Hadi Esfahani E
ECON 341(#?) Kevin Hallock Q
ENGL 101- Intro to Poetry Chuck McCaffery E
ENGL 103- Intro to Fiction Stephanie Foote E
ENGL 105(#?) Loren Hecht E
ENGL 109- Intro to Fiction-ACP
ENGL 200- Intro to Lit Study for Majors David Roark E
ENGL 109- Intro to Fiction-ACP
ENGL 116- Intro to American Literature
ENGL 200- Intro to Lit Study for Majors Allan Borst, Lesley Allen Q
ENGL 245- The Short Story
ENGL 255- Survey of American Lit I
ENGL 360? Mark Thompson Q
ENGL 462- Topics in Modern Fiction Dale Bauer E
EOL 199- Undergraduate Open Seminar Howard Schein E
EPS 199- Undergraduate Open Seminar Bernice McNair Barnett E
EPSY 201- Educational Psychology David Zola R
EPSY 236- Child Dev For Elemen Teachers Lucia Flevares E4
FIN 241- Fundamentals of Real Estate Roger Cannaday Q
FR 101- Elementary French I Michelle Bishop E
FSHN 101- Intro Food Science and Nutrition Shelly Schmidt E
FSHN 120- Contemporary Nutrition Becky Roach, Elizabeth Flickinger V
FSHN 274- NonMajors Food Microbiology Scott Martin R
GE 161- Intro to Business Side of Eng Brian Lilly E
GE 424- State Space Desgn Meth in Cntl Dusan Stipanovic Q
GEOG 101- Geog of Developing Countries Ezekial Kalipeni E
GEOG 110- Geography of Intl Conflicts Shannon O’Lear E
GEOL 100- Planet Earth Stephen Marshak E
GEOL 100- Planet Earth
GEOL 118- Natural Disasters Stephen Altaner E
GEOL 143- History of Life Brian Fouke or Bruce Fouke? V (Uses tests from previous years)
GWS 112?, 250- Gender Studies Humanities GWS 260- Gender Studies Soc Sci Or
EDUC 258 Chris Mayo E
GWS 220- Psych of Gender
GWS 250- Gender Studies Humanities
GWS 260- Gender Studies Soc Sci Joanne Chan (Apparently, she’s attractive) E
HDFS 105- Intro to Human Development David Hansen, Jasna Jovanovic V, E
HIST 101- Global History
HIST 200- Intro Hist Interpretationi
HIST 216?, 198- Freshman Seminar Don Crummey E
HIST 241- History of Ancient Rome Ralph Mathisen E
HIST 275- Afro-American History to 1877 Kevin Hales E
HORT 100- Introduction to Horticulture Robert Skirvin V
HORT 246- Floral Design I Dianne Noland E
IB 105- Environmental Biology Carla Caceres, Andrew Suarez V
IB 109- Insects and People May Berenbaum V
IB/PSYC/ANTH/NEUR 432- Genes and Behavior Gene Robinson E
IB 462- Mammology Ed Heske E
IE 361- Production Planning and Ctrl Placid Ferreira Q
ITAL 101- Elementary Italian I Anna Chiarenza E
KIN 268- Children’s Movement Heather Erwin R
LA 233- Foundation Design Studio Davis Hays Q
LING 111- Language in Globalization
LING 250- Language Diversity in the USA Rakesh Bhatt V (but boring)
MATH 210- Theory of Interest Rick Gorvett Q
MATH 220- Calculus Caleb Eckhardt (TA) E
MATH 230- Calculus II Kevin Ford E
MATH 380- Advanced Calculus Eugene Lerman Q
MCB 429 (#?) Neil Shah E
MILS 201- Individual Leadership Studies Chris Kelsey V
MUS 133- Introduction to World Music Gabriel Solis E
MUS 199- Voice Ronald Hedlund E
NRES 102- Introduction to NRES
NREW 302- Dendrology John Edgington E
PHIL 101- Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 102- Logic and Reasoning
PHIL 105- Introduction to Ethics David Rowland, David Bell V
PHIL 102- Logic and Reasoning
PHIL 210- Ethics Erica Neely E
PHIL 105- Introduction to Ethics James Wallace E
PHIL 206- Early Modern Philosophy Alan Melnick E
PS 100- Intro to Political Science Phil Habel V
PS 101, 150, 280 or CINE 199 Joseph Miller E
PS 240- Intro to Comp Politics
PS 391- Soviet & Post-Sov Foreign Pol Carol Leff E
PS 309- State Gov in the US Jim Nowlan E
PSYC 100- Intro Psych Leeann Mallorie, Matthew Shake E
PSYC 105, 106(#?) Diana Ristoff (Hot) E
PSYC 250- Psych of Personality (Fall Only) Dov Cohen, Hong E
PSYC 316- Psych of Hearing Robert Wickesberg R
PSYC 367?-
PSYC 420- Theories of Psychotherapy
OR EPSY 400- Psyc of Learning in Education
EPSY 490- Developments in Educ Psyc Dorothy Espelage E (Not too easy, but one of the best professors!)
PSYC 403- Memory and Amnesia Neal Cohen E
RHET 105- Principles of Composition Jennifer Lieberman, Gwen Rudy, Marilyn Sahiba, Pete Craft, Jean Forst, Michael Wayne, Sarah Macdonald, Jim Finnegan, Franklin Ridgway E
RHET 108- Forms of Composition
RHET 233- Principles of Composition Kevin Matz E
RHET 133? Dan Hefko E
RHET 204?- Creative Writing Workshop Jon Griswald Q
RHET 223/227? Julie Price V
RLST 104- Asian Mythology Rini Mehta, Raj. Pandharida E
RLST 284- Modern Jewish Literature Brian Ruppert E
RUSS 199- Undergraduate Open Seminar Steven Hill Q
RUSS 220- 19thC Russian Lit Survey OR
SLAV 452- Slavic Cultural Studies Richard Tempest E
SHS 170- Hum Comm: Sys, Proc & Dis David Gooler E
SHS 199- Undergraduate Open Seminar Adele Proctor E
SHS 231- Lang Diff Dis: American Persp (2nd half week course) Monique Mills E
SOC 100- Introduction to Sociology Judith Pintar E
SOC 200- Intro to Sociological Theory David Hopping E
SOC 224- Asian Am Historical Sociology Adrian Cruz E
SOC 250- The Construction of Science Andrew Pickering E
SOC 341(#?) Clark McPhail E
Spanish classes with… Izaskun Ruiz-Madrazo E
SPAN 208- Oral Spanish Nacho Alvarez V
SPAN 302- Intro Hispanic Linguistics Rebecca Foote V
SPAN 456- Span Am Lit II Works & Writers Dara Goldman Q
SPCM 101- Public Speaking Karen Sodowsky, Brad Bond, Tom Costello E
SPCM 111- Oral & Written Comm I
SPCM 112- Oral & Written Comm II
SPCM 220- Communicating Public Policy Grace Giorgio E
SPCM 223? Brian Collins E
SPCM 230- Intro to Interpersonal Comm Allison Scott (Hot) E
STAT 100- Statistics Ellen Fireman V
THEA 101- Introduction to Theatre Arts James Zager E
THEA 199- Undergraduate Open Seminar Thomas Mitchell E
TSM 232- Materials and Construction Sys
TSM 100- Technical Systems in Agr Phillip Buriak E
TSM 352- Land and Water Mgt Systems Michael Hirschi E
UKR 113- Ukrainian Culture Volodymyr Chumachenko
UKR 218- Survey of Ukrainian Literature Volodymyr Chumachenko V
UP 116- Analytical Planning Methods Tschangho John Kim E |