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第一次发帖^^ 有关大一新生入学的前续准备

Lorena 发表于 2012-4-6 03:24:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
大家好,我是2016er,2012 fall 的大一新生。很高兴能加入UIUC CSSA这个大家庭。有几个问题想请教一下学哥学姐,希望各位帮帮我

我报的专业是文理学院的经济,以后的学习也集中在social science 和business这一块儿。

1. UIUC学生用电脑的情况是什么样的?学生都有自己的电脑吗还是会主要用学校的电脑?Social science这块学习用到电脑的地方多吗?我在考虑入手苹果13寸的air因为会方便携带一些...会不会不够使?
2. 选宿舍方面那个宿舍楼离文理学院会近一些,住宿情况怎么样?

VIDA 发表于 2012-4-8 00:41:27 | 显示全部楼层
i'm not very familiar with the requirements of computer in your major specifically, but everyone usually has their own computer to work with. If not, there's plenty of computer labs on campus, but maybe not as convenient as having your own.
Personally I wouldn't recommend using macbook air as the mainly used computer, it would be nice to have as a portable one though, in addition to a nice computer with intermediate hardware equipped.
Busey-Avans (girls only, usu. pretty quiet), ISR (a mixture of Engineer students and LAS students, usu. quiet), Alan (famous for unit-one classes, promote the awareness of art, society and community) are all pretty close to the main quad on the Urbana side, SDRP/Ikenberry (Nugent is the new and really nice dorm has huge rooms, usu. has more party/gathering than the other ones) is close to business related buildings on the Champaign side.
Hope it helps
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