本帖最后由 pfwang2002 于 2010-7-8 22:25 编辑
希望在Orchard Down租房子(当然其他房子,如果方便也考虑),同时寻找一起合租的女室友。对于房子的要求不高,有简单家具,如书桌、床、卫生间、厨房、可上网,房子离教育学院有直达车或步行可到。请有房者和有意合租者与我联系。我的邮件是pfwang2002@126.com
Hi everyone, I'm a young teacher in university, female. I'm going to be a visiting scholar in the College of Edcuation in Illinois University
from September to November. I'm looking for a short term bedroom near Colleg of Education in Illinoise University to live. I am
female , clean, quiet, and would like to share one apartment with other girls. My requirement for the room is simple: with bath, kichen, internet, furniture. I will arrive around the end of August. Please contact me soon. My Email is pfwang2002@126.com