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【品茗·香槟】2013系列讲座 -- 职场专场 观众注册表

forestsong 发表于 2013-4-3 14:28:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
商科的同学们,你们是否还在为找工作而烦恼?四大, consulting或许不是唯一的选择。让Hongjing Zhou, Financial Analyst from Cummins Inc. 为你们呈现一种不一样的 career path!

工科的同学们,你们是否还在执着于Fortune 500?  但Start-ups 也许会是另外的一种选择!让Wei Zhu, Research Scientist at Dioxide Materials, Research Park 为你们介绍research parks的工作!

Phd们, 你们是否希望以进入学术界,成为各自领域的professor为目标来主导你们的学习和研究? 让Meixuan Jiang, Future Assistant professor at University of South Florida为你们介绍从Phd 到 assistant professor 的经历!

文科的同学们,你们是否还在纠结于如何融入美国职场?让卓和律师事务所的校友Judy Zhang 告诉你她成为杰出律师的求职经历,以及国际学生在美国工作环境中的不同签证身份!


Background information:

Cummins Inc.

Cummins Inc., a global power leader, is a corporation of complementary business units that design, manufacture, distribute and service engines and related technologies. Headquartered in Columbus, Indiana, (USA) Cummins has approximately 44,000 employees. Cummins earned $1.66 billion on sales of $17.3 billion in 2012. Cummins is also one of the top ranking companies in the US that are willing to sponsor the international students!

Dioxide Materials (Research Park, UIUC Campus) :

Dioxide Materials develops technology that saves people money, helps the environment, and lowers the US dependence on imported oil.

Wei Zhu graduated from Tianjin University (China) in 2007, and then received her Ph.D. from UIUC in 2011. After her graduation, she becomes a Research Engineer at Dioxide Materials, a start-up company located in Research Park. She is an expert on electrocatalysis of CO2 conversion and on suppression of hydrogen evolution during the process. Her research has been published in some most prestigious magazines including Science and Nature Nanotechnology. In addition, her discoveries have already been described in over 200 newspapers and magazines. Dr. Zhu has been interviewed for Scientific American, Motortrend Magazine, a Champaign IL newspaper (the News Gazette), and several Chinese newspapers and magazines including People's Daily (人民日报) and Cankao Xiaoxi(参考消息). She is the PI for one funded NSF Phase I proposal “Sensors for Smart HVAC controls.” She has written invited articles for Outlook Weekly (瞭望). She also described her findings on several Champaign IL TV programs.

University of South Florida:

Mei- Hsuan Chiang is a Ph. D. candidate in East Asian Languages and Cultures studying modern Chinese literature and films. She received her BA in English from National Central University of Taiwan and MA in Comparative and World Literatures from the University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign. Her specific research interests include Chinese cinema during the cold- war era, melodrama theories, and women and gender studies. Supported by the SLCL Dissertation Completion Fellowship and the Graduate College Dissertation Travel Grant, her dissertation focuses on the KMT government’s historical resentment and political anxieties disguised in Taiwanese melodramas from 1964-1982. She will be joining the faculty at the University of South Florida as an Assistant Professor this fall."

Jia Xing, Assistant Director, Business Career Services, College of Business

Jia joined the Business Career Services team 2 months ago with background in Corporate University Recruiting.  She has 4 years working experience as a corporate HR and university recruiter for a Fortune 500 company in its Hong Kong division and the United States headquarters.  Jia graduated with a Master's degree from the School of Employment Relations at the University of Illinois.  Her current role with the Business Career Services is to focus on engaging global employers and expand the job opportunities for undergraduate and graduate level international students in the College of Business.

张诗芸博士简介(Judy Zhang)

卓和律师事务所负责人,拥有伊利诺伊州与纽约州律师执照。University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(UIUC)法学博士。曾于上海市政府工作多年,从事行政立法、政策研究以及法律咨询。此后,获当年最高奖学金赴UIUC攻读法学硕士(LL.M);之后,继续在UIUC攻读法学博士学位(J.D.),并荣誉毕业。毕业后在UIUC任教,授课“美国法律研究及写作”。曾担任中国岳成律师事务所美国法律顾问,以及在美国Allegaert Berger & Vogel LLP、Linklaters等著名律师事务所任职。此外,张诗芸博士还拥有初级美国注册金融分析师资格。业务领域包括美国移民法、公司法、证券法、房地产法、反垄断法、反海外腐败法。

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