Halloween Dancing Party
The party is at 9:30 PM this Saturday, Oct. 29, located in Illini Union’s Room A (First floor).
The popular Chinese students associations, CSSA-Chinese Scholars and Students Association,
HKSA-Hong Kong Students Association and TIA-Taiwai Intercultural Association, are hosting this Chinese Halloween Dancing Party.
We’ve invited professional dancers, bands and DJ for the night. Some desserts and drinks will be offered as well. We look forward to seeing you.
We hope each of you will bring partner(s) to join us. It’s okay to not have one. You can sign up at the entrance, and we will match you up with other students.
There will be some games during the Dancing Party (these games are cooperative games and you will need a partner)
We will also elect a Costume King and Costume Queen. The prizes are Kindles, Amazon Gift Cards and more.
Cover: $10 for single; $16 for couple; If you are wearing costumes, $1 off.
It’s a great chance to hang out with friends and meet more people.
We look forward to seeing you. Come celebrate Halloween.
2011 UIUC华人篮球联赛周末开战
日期: 小组赛 10月29日早上9点
淘汰赛及决赛 10月30日早上9点
地点: ARC 篮球馆 GYM2(平时的排球场)
裁判报名:先 缺4名裁判,若有意者,请在以下网址报名,在队伍名称填referee
请 点击此处
比赛间隙将会有一些有奖小游 戏,投中场球, 三分大赛,罚球大赛等,参赛者不限
奖项:团队冠军(冠军T- shirt每人各一件),MVP, 各个单项小游戏冠军(打折卡,理发卡等)
举办方:UIUC-CSSA文 体部
联系人: 周昕彦xzhou14@illinois.edu