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[CSSA-UIUC] 2011-2012 Newsletter 09期

jiansong 发表于 2011-8-24 21:37:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式









Be one of us
In the recent years, CSSA-UIUC has largely affected the community. At the same time aiming to serve the local Chinese community, we also work hard to keep our interaction and communication dynamic. Each event held in the past had included our efforts, as an outstanding team. This is a stage for you to improve your leadership, develop your teamwork skills and train yourself with challenges where you will keenly serve our community and make it better.
In the new semester, CSSA-UIUC is looking forward to having you in participation in our teams and events. For your interest, send us your application and resume to hr.cssa.uiuc@gmail.com before August 25, 2011. We will arrange interviews at the end of August.


研究生BBQ时间地点为:本周六下午2点,8月27,Hessel Park,Champaign
本科生BBQ时间地点为:本周日下午2点,8月28,Hessel Park,Champaign


As our traditional program, we still do have new students BBQ this year for our lovely new students. It is all free!!

For Graduate students, please sign up at:http://goo.gl/qmdHj

For Undergraduate students, please sign up at: https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dGxQMS1QZHFKcVdpWW9fY093RW1OV3c6MQ

For volunteers who'd like to give rides to the undergraduates:  



活动地点为:Illini Union Ballroom (2楼)

We will serve our new students as usual for providing a new student orientation. Free admission!
Event time: August 27th, 7pm-9pm
Event venue: Illini Union Ballroom (second floor)


各位新老同学们, 你们好!


在2011年9月24日举行。中秋晚会是UI华人社区一年一度的大型活动.每年都吸引了上千同学们前来观看. 参与中秋晚会的制作不仅可以展示你的才华, 还可以帮你结交许多新的朋友, 希望有兴趣的同学积极报名参与!

1. 开场舞演员招募

一个节目,有着举足轻重的作用,需要热情的你的帮助。如果你对跳舞(Jazz, Hip-hop 等等) 有兴趣,或者有一些舞蹈基础,不要犹豫,开场舞需要你的加入!


Email请附简单的自我介绍, 包括“姓名, 性别, 年级 (freshman/sophomore/junior/senior/grad)
电子邮件,中国或美国联系电话, 舞蹈基础 (0基础, 初学, 业余, 专业…)”。

2. 小品剧本征集

小品是每届晚会的亮点节目, 如果你有剧本创作或者很好的舞台创意, 可以把你的想法告诉我们!


3. 民乐&西洋乐演奏者招募

中秋晚为会乐器的同学提供了一个很好的展示才艺的平台. 如果你热爱演奏民乐或西洋乐, 请不要犹豫, 快快将你的才艺展现给我们!


Email请附简单的自我介绍, 包括
“姓名, 性别, 年级 (freshman/sophomore/junior/senior/grad)
电子邮件,中国或美国联系电话, 乐器名称”

4. 幕后制作人员招募

每年的中秋晚会都需要大量的幕后制作人员, 如果你有摄影,摄像, 剪辑,电脑制作等方面的特长, 中秋晚会剧组欢迎你的加入!


Email请附简单的自我介绍, 包括
“姓名, 性别, 年级 (freshman/sophomore/junior/senior/grad)
电子邮件,中国或美国联系电话, 你的特长
(摄影, 摄像, 剪辑, 电脑制作, 等等)”

5. 其他人员招募

如果你有其他特殊才艺, 比如魔术, 民族舞, 肚皮舞, 相声, 等等. 或者你有能力组织一个自己的节目, 请将你的特长和想法告诉我们!


2011 Moon Gala participants wanted and needed

Hello, friends,

CSSA plans to hold Moon Gala, our biggest celebration and performance of the year on September 24. The performance attracts so many audiences every year. It is a stage that you can show your awesome talents and make more friends.

Don’t hesitate if you want to join us and be part of the show.

1. Opening Dance
As the Moon Gala’s first show, the opening dance is so essential that we need your passion to turn on the show for the audience.
If you are interested in dancing (Jazz, Hip-hop, etc.), or good at dancing, please join the crew and contribute your ideas.
For more information and your interest, contact Cheng Wang at ciarawang1990@hotmail.com.
Email should include your brief self-introduction of your name, gender, year of college, contact information (phone number, email, etc.) and let us know your dancing skills or level.

2. Cross talk scripts
The popular cross talk is the highlight of the night. If you have script ideas, creative or classic, TELL us.
Email to moongalauiuc@gmail.com

3. Instrument performers
Besides celebrating Mid-autumn Festival, Moon Gala offers a platform for you to show off your awesome talents in instruments. No matter what instrument you play, we want you involved! We do.

Email to moongalauiuc@gmail.com, including, your brief self-introduction of your name, gender, year of college, contact information (phone number, email, etc.) and let us know your dancing skills or level.
4. Backstage producer
Besides a number of performers are in need to put on Moon Gala, a lot of back stage producers are working so hard for the successful show. If you are interested in photography, videotaping, editing videos or photography, join the crew and make some memorable memories.

Email to moongalauiuc@gmail.com, including, your brief self-introduction of your name, gender, year of college, contact information (phone number, email, etc.) and let us know your dancing skills or level.

5. Talents!
All kinds of talents are welcome! Magic. Traditional dance… Or if you want to put on your own show, Sure! Let us know about it as soon as possible.
Email to moongalauiuc@gmail.com.

时间转瞬即逝,CSSA再一次开始为一年一度的中秋晚会做准备。为了达到更好的互动与创新,我们决定在今年的中秋晚会中采纳来自广大学生和师友们的意见。同学们的意见与想法可以来源于课业生活,日常话题,甚至是发生在我们大家周围或国际上的事情。大家可以用word (1997-2003)文档或txt格式,鼓励大家随想随寄,把想到的事情用最纯粹的语言表达给我们,我们将会经过商讨略做改动。

" Want to be a part of the Moon Gala? The Champaign News (香槟新闻) is one of the must-have and popular show throughout Moon Gala. This year, we  invite you to be part of it by contributing your ideas of what to include in “The Champaign News”!
Ideas could include your experience in school, in class, in dorms or some local and global news.
-File format: doc (word 1997-2003) or .txt
-Script length: suitable for 2-3 minutes
-More than one script submission is welcomed
-Send the script directly to the Public Relations Committee: [url=mailtoR.cssauiuc@gmail.com]PR.cssauiuc@gmail.com[/url]

CarX 慈善活动


地点:Champaign County Fairgrounds & Crystal Lake Park


(1) 5K 障碍赛跑;

(2) 多个年龄组;

(3) 个人赛 & 团体赛;

(4) 赢取丰厚奖品;

(5) 享受现场音乐;

(6) 美食 & 饮料。

如果你不想参加障碍赛跑,也可注册加入我们的盛大聚会。你仍然可以享受美食&饮料、现场音乐、户外阳光和当地的美国文化。本次活动的所有收入将全数捐赠给慈善机构!欲知详情,请点击链接http://carxcrazyk.com/ 。即日起即可注册。活动宣传视频:



CRAZY-K-2011 sponsored by CarX Tire & Auto

Date: Aug. 27, 2011

Location: Champaign County Fairgrounds & Crystal Lake Park


(1) 5K Obstacle Race;

(2) Various Age Divisions;

(3) Individuals & Teams;

(4) Prizes;

(5) Live Music;

(6) Food & Drinks.

If you don’t want to run, sign up to party. You can still enjoy food & drinks, live music, outdoor sunshine and local American culture. All the income of this event will be donated to charities! Please refer tohttp://carxcrazyk.com/ for details. You can register now. Check out our advertising video:



[CSSA 赞助商广告]  Express Car Care

各位同学你们好,欢迎在2011-2012学年加入到伊利诺伊大学的队伍中来。我想借助这个机会,给大家介绍一下关于Express Car Care为学生朋友们提供的汽车维护服务信息。我们提供多种维修服务,可以为你的爱车进行全方位的装备和升级。你所需要的一切车辆维护需求我们都能够满足,例如换机油、车胎换位调节、水箱更换等。不但如此,还有发动机调试、刹车片检查、同步带更换、水泵调节、车身维修等等。此外,我们还拥有全自动洗车设备,让你及时清洁你的爱车。如果你拥有CSSA打折卡,你就能享受我们提供的折扣优惠。当你的爱车遇到困难时,请别忘记我们,在这里你能得到最温馨的服务。

Welcome to Champaign-Urbana for the 2011-2012 school year. I would like the opportunity to tell you a little about Express Car Care and the services that we offer to students.  We are a full service repair facility, and are able to accommodate your vehicle in a variety of ways.  We can take care of all your cars basic maintenance needs, from oil changes to tire rotations and fluid exchanges. We can also perform tune-ups, brake services, timing belt and water pumps, and diagnose any problems you may have with your car or truck. As well as minor body repair.  We also have an on-site carwash to help keep your car clean. We offer discounts to University of Illinois students, so please stop by and visit us for all of your automotive needs or questions.

Express Car Care

212 N Vine St, Urbana

(217) 384-5593

[CSSA 赞助商广告]  渔满楼Golden Harbor


地址:505 S Neil St, Champaign

电话:(217) 398-8988

Chinese Students and Scholars Association http://www.cssa.uiuc.edu
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