本帖最后由 Bill 于 2014-1-7 00:31 编辑
Dear CAACI members and friends, 2014 New Year greetings! I am happy to tell you that we still have plenty of seatsavailable for the greatly anticipated Annal Chinese New Year Banquet and Performance.Please take a look at our newly designed poster and feel free to pass it toyour friends.
This year, due to a temporary problem with our website, our registration isthrough mail only. Banquet and membership information details are listed below.
Pleasewrite a check for the New Year Banquet payable to CAACI. Include the names ofall attendees, ages of children attending, telephone number and/or emailaddress, and your seating preference if needed, in a separate note. Aseparate check is required to pay for CAACI membership fee for 2014. This checkmust be payable to CAACI and should indicate that it is for CAACI membership. Pleasefeel free to contact Zhou Qi (CAACI Communication Director) at sqzzhou@gmail.com if you have anyquestions. The mailing address is: CAACI, P.O.Box 2276, Station A, Champaign, IL 61825.
2014 Chinese New Year Banquet and Performance Time: February 1,2014 时间: 二月1日, 2014 5 pm: Registration 5:45pm Dinner 6:30pm Performance 8:30pm Social Dance Place: Illini Room A, B,and C,Illini Union 地点: Illini Room A, B,and C,Illini Union Banquet: Dinner buffet with assigned seats
Cost: Member: $30/adult, $15/under 14 years old; Non-member: $35/adult,$18/under 14 years old; Child age under 3 is free. 2014新年晚宴和晚会票价 会员:30刀/成人,15刀/14岁以下; 非会员:35刀/成人,18刀/14岁以下;3岁以下免费。
Seating: 8-9 persons/table(children will be seated along with their guardians)
CAACI Annual Membership Fees (2014):
RegularMember - Individual: $25.00
- Family: $35.00
Contributing Member
SupportingMember Note: a family membership is for a couple and their children (up to 18years old).
Hope to see you all there!