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AACC Chai Time!名额有限,先到先得。

jiansong 发表于 2013-3-29 16:36:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

如题,有意愿去畅谈美国学生和国际学生关系,以及想做student leaders的同学请在4月1日前发邮件给我(jiansongzh@gmail.com)。名额有限,先到先得

On Monday April 8th, the AACC will be hosting a Chai Time program focusing on reaching out to the Asian international student community, and discussing the relationship between Asian American and Asian international students.  The format of the program will be an informal discussion about the similarities and differences between Asian American and Asian International students, and figuring out how both sides can work collaboratively. The program itself would start at 6pm, and end at around 7-7:30pm. There will be food and snacks. This would be a great opportunity to not only discuss these issues, but also for student leaders from different organizations to meet.

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