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dengyichao 发表于 2011-5-7 20:28:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
我是MAS新生,Notice of admission letter、里面有提到关于体检的:

Illinois requires all college students to be immunizedagainst certain vaccine-preventable diseases. These Include:
Measles - Two vaccinations required, on or after the first birthday. Must be live  vaccine, which was available after May 1, 1971
Mumps - One vaccine
Rubella - One vaccine
Tetanus/diphtheria US Citizens and Permanent Residents: booster within 10 years of the  first day of the start of classes.
International Students: documentation of at least three tetanus and  diphtheria vaccinations, the third given within 10 years of the first day  of the start of classes.

You can receive any or all of the required immunizations at McKinley for a charge.

It is important to meet these requirements. If you do not do this prior to or during the first semester in which you are enrolled, your registration for the following semester will be blocked; you will also be dropped from any classes for which you may already have registered.

A health information form detailing how to provide documentation of immunization is included in the university admission packets. You can also [url=]download[/url] our forms. All new international students are screened for tuberculosis. Screening consists of completion of a paper questionnaire and a Quantiferon TB Gold blood test for student who have lived in countries outside of the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, or Western Europe. There is a $30 charge for the blood test. Students who have a positive blood test will be asked to return for chest X-ray to screen for pulmonary tuberculosis. Students who have a prior history of tuberculosis or who are receiving treatment for tuberculosis should bring copies of all treatment records, including medical notes and laboratory reports.  是说要打三针麻疹疫苗,一针腮腺炎,一针风疹,三针破伤风或者白喉,总共8针吗? 胸透还有Quantiferon TB Gold blood test 到底是去之前做,还是到了学校再做啊? 还是我直接拿到出入境检疫局去,人家就知道要做什么体检项目了? 请路过的朋友作答
Blacktiger 发表于 2011-5-7 20:45:40 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Blacktiger 于 2011-5-7 20:47 编辑

回复 1# dengyichao

胸透还有Quantiferon TB Gold blood test 到底是去之前做,还是到了学校再做啊? 好像没做胸透,另外一个印象中我是在UI做的。我记得当时有些是在国内打过了,有些没有,好像原因是有一项打了后要隔很长时间后才能打第二次。校医院会检查,没做过的会让你在校医院打。
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