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scarmo 发表于 2010-9-19 19:07:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


CU中国乐器团目的-- 集合Champaign-Urbana中国乐器演奏者,提供一个中国乐器爱好者聚集和練習的机会,
并希望能寻求城里的演奏机会, 藉以介绍CU社区中国乐器 和中国音乐.

团员组成— 年龄不限,只要您能弹奏任何一种中国乐器 (自备乐器.)

我们初步打算每两个月聚会一次, 让大家彼此有机会认识, 并有机会合奏一曲。


Shih-Mei Carmody carmody12@gmail.com or

Kenny Ren (Music Student, University of Illinois, kennyyukunren@gmail.com)

CU Chinese Music Group

The purpose of this group –

This is a music group formed by Chinese instrument players in the CU area. The group will practice regularly and seek opportunities to perform locally. Through these performances, the CU Chinese Music Group will introduce Chinese music and culture to the local community.

The members –

All ages welcome. If you play any kind of Chinese instrument, this group is for you (instrument will be provided by player). The initial plan is to meet bimonthly, to get to know other talented Chinese music players and have a chance play together with other musicians.

Please contact –

Shih-Mei Carmody carmody12@gmail.com or

Kenny Ren (Music Student, University of Illinois, kennyyukunren@gmail.com )

CU中国乐器团目的-- 集合Champaign-Urbana中国乐器演奏者,提供一个中国乐器爱好者聚集和練習的机会,
并希望能寻求城里的演奏机会, 藉以介绍CU社区中国乐器 和中国音乐.

团员组成— 年龄不限,只要您能弹奏任何一种中国乐器 (自备乐器.)

我们初步打算每两个月聚会一次, 让大家彼此有机会认识, 并有机会合奏一曲。


Shih-Mei Carmody carmody12@gmail.com or

Kenny Ren (Music Student, University of Illinois, kennyyukunren@gmail.com)

CU Chinese Music Group

The purpose of this group –

This is a music group formed by Chinese instrument players in the CU area. The group will practice regularly and seek opportunities to perform locally. Through these performances, the CU Chinese Music Group will introduce Chinese music and culture to the local community.

The members –

All ages welcome. If you play any kind of Chinese instrument, this group is for you (instrument will be provided by player). The initial plan is to meet bimonthly, to get to know other talented Chinese music players and have a chance play together with other musicians.

Please contact –

Shih-Mei Carmody carmody12@gmail.com or

Kenny Ren (Music Student, University of Illinois, kennyyukunren@gmail.com )

wmwij 发表于 2013-1-14 08:54:49 | 显示全部楼层
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