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admin 发表于 2018-11-21 04:55:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一 论坛简介

二 学科领域与分论坛设置

三 申请条件
1.        年龄不超过40周岁;
2.        具有海内外知名大学博士学位、并有海外科研工作经历;
3.        在所从事研究的学科领域取得一定成绩或具有良好发展潜力;
4.        有意向通过我校申报2019年度青年千人以及有意申请我校“卓越2025”人才引进计划的青年杰出人才。

四 申请方式
请于2018年11月28日之前登录复旦大学光华青年学者论坛网站 http://ghforum.fudan.edu.cn/,在“参会申请”栏目中按流程完成网上报名。

五 相关费用

六 日程安排

七 联系我们
联系人:   文婕、闫兆伟、任佳、张喜文
联系电话:    +86-21-65642972/+86-21-55662953
联系邮箱:   ghforum@fudan.edu.cnfudanln@163.com

联系人:    吕筠  王丹
联系电话:    +86-21-65648171/+86-21-55665563
联系邮箱:    istbi@fudan.edu.cnfudanln@163.com
官方网站:    http://istbi.fudan.edu.cn


研究院拥有一支学养深厚、视野开阔、思想活跃的跨学科国际化研究团队,其中教授/研究员21名,包括2014年Brain奖(神经科学最高奖项)获得者Trevor Robbins等英国皇家学会会士、美国科学院院士等国外院士4名、“长江特聘教授”2名、国家“973”计划及国家重大科学研究计划项目首席科学家、国家重点研发计划项目负责人8名以及一大批优秀的海外青年研究员、工程技术人员等60多名。
研究院积极发起和参与国际科学合作计划,目前已与包括剑桥大学、牛津大学、帝国理工大学、斯坦福大学、麻省理工等20余所国际著名的高校、科研院所建立研究伙伴关系;同时,吸引了全球130多位脑与类脑研究著名国际学者参与各个层次的研究合作计划和项目。研究院建立了“复旦大学类脑研究院科大智能机器人国际交流基金”,用于支持类脑智能、智能机器人领域的国际交流学生。与英国伦敦国王学院共建了“复旦-KCL群体神经科学中心”,由Trevor Robbins教授作为负责人筹建“认知神经科学中心”。2018年1月,研究院与牛津大学、剑桥大学联合申请的教育部、国家外国专家局“计算神经科学与类脑智能”111创新引智基地获批成立,建立了从青年科研工作者、顶尖科学家团队、国际合作平台到国际一流大学的多层级国际合作模式。

Fudan-Guanghua International Forum
for Young Scholars

Science and Technology for Brain-Inspired Intelligence Sub-Forum

Young Scholars are the future of academic research. Fudan-Guanghua International Forum for Young Scholars aims to create communication platforms for global young talented scholars of various research fields to discuss cutting-edge research spotlights, to resolve frontier academic problems and to enhance cooperation among distinct disciplines. The Forum also offers young scholars a taste of research environment and a package of know-how for research in China, specifically at Fudan University. It would eventually foster the “Extraordinary 2025” Elite Project to help attract from world-wide young researchers to work at Fudan University.
Forum Setup
Fudan-Guanghua International Forum for Young Scholars composes of 1 main forum and 21 sub-forums, The “Science and Technology for Brain-Inspired Intelligence sub-forum” will be held by the Institute of Science and Technology for Brain-inspired Intelligence (ISTBI) during Dec. 27th to 28th.  
Criteria for Applicants
1.        Age below 40
2.        Ph.D. degree issued by universities of international standing, and long-term, overseas experience of research at such institutions
3.        Outstanding achievements and great potential in specific research directions
4.        Intention to apply for “Thousand Young Talent Program 2019” based at Fudan University, or the “Excellence 2025” program of Fudan University
Application Procedure
1.        Please visit http://ghforum.fudan.edu.cn/ and choose the option of “Application” to complete and submit your application online before Nov. 28th, 2018.
2.        Qualified applicants will receive official invitation letter via email before Dec. 7th, 2018, to participant in the Forum.
Schedule and Travel Compensation

Accommodation, meals and travel allowance will be provided by Fudan University, in accordance with national regulations.

Contact us
Contacts:   Ms. Jie WEN, Mr. Zhaowei YAN,
            Ms. Jia REN, Ms. Xiwen ZHANG
Tel :        +86-021-65642972  /  +86-021-65642953  
E-mail:      ghforum@fudan.edu.cn

Institute of Science and Technology for Brain-Inspired Intelligence (ISTBI)
Contacts:   Ms. Yun LV, Ms. Dan WANG
Tel:             +86-21-65648171 /  +86-21-55665563
Email:         istbi@fudan.edu.cn
Website:     http://istbi.fudan.edu.cn

About Fudan University
Fudan University was established in 1905, and merged with Shanghai Medical University in 2000, forming a new stronger Fudan University with a broader set of disciplines: medicine, sciences, and arts.

Fudan has so far ranked top 1% over 17 disciplines with Essential Science Indicator, of which Chemistry, Material Science and Clinical Medicine out ranked top 0.1%. With the most updated QS and Times Higher Education ranking, Fudan ranked 40 and 116 respectively which made her the third place in Mainland China. Fudan University was selected as the list of “Double First-Class” construction universities, and 17 first-class disciplines were listed in the “Double First-Class” discipline construction list.
Over the past hundred years, the school has made outstanding contributions to the country by developing talent, innovating in science and technology, carrying forward civilization, and serving society.
The Institute of Science and Technology for Brain-inspired Intelligence (ISTBI), is an interdisciplinary research institution of Fudan University. It was launched in March 2015. The predecessor of ISTBI was the Centre for Computational Systems Biology, founded in 2008 and was one of the first international and interdisciplinary research centres in Fudan University.

ISTBI covers several research fields including applied mathematics, statistics, computer science, informatics and neuroscience. The research carried out in ISTBI is interdisciplinary per se, with computational neuroscience playing a pivotal role.

ISTBI aims to make significant contributions in the development of basic theories, core algorithms and key frameworks for artificial intelligence. It also has the aims of developing intelligent diagnosis systems for brain diseases, and establishing principles of cognitive neuroscience. Ultimately, ISTBI will contribute to the innovation and the development of an intelligence-oriented society.

详情请见: 光华青年学者论坛-类脑分论坛.docx (123.24 KB, 下载次数: 156)
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